Mom and Me

My mom came to visit this weekend. Sometimes you just need to see your mama before you can really, truly feel better. I haven’t seen my mom since before the bomb was dropped. Up until now, the only person in my family I have seen is my sister who was with me when I was told about the need for transplant evaluation. We were both in such a state of shock that not a lot of processing was done until well after we parted ways. It was good to see my mom, and take a bit of time to process together. To just be together.

When I was little and I had chest pain, or other heart issues, my mom would come and sit beside me on my bed and lay one hand over the left side of my chest and close her eyes. I could feel my heart beating against her hand, and she would count the beats, feel my breaths. She has done this for years. There is absolutely nothing scientific about this way of determining pulse or respiration, but I know it isn’t just me that feels better when my mama’s hand is on my heart and we can feel it beat together. I know that my heart slows down in those quiet moments, and with her hand on me, my body relaxes, my breath comes a bit easier, my mom is there and I can feel my heartbeat, and I am okay.

There is not a moment of this road I have walked without her, and we have both stumbled here and there but I know that – this heart or the next, my mom will be right there beside me, counting the beats and easing my fears.

Love you mama.

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