What now?

Ten days have passed since my family and I had the first of what I now know will be many appointments with my new specialist. My biggest worry about the appointment was that having all of us present would be overkill, that this appointment wouldn’t be all I had made it to be in my mind and that I had “wasted” my family’s time and resources for nothing more than moral support. As it happens that was exactly why they came, and the fact that they needed to hear what I was going to be hearing as much as I did. As a family we love a plan, we are terrible at agreeing on one, but we really like to have one, and having this huge news and no real plan has not been going well for any of us. 

When we arrived at the appointment I was certain we would not all be allowed in the room together. Since Covid things like that have been out of sorts and I have felt lucky when one family member could be present, now with three I was pretty sure I would be going in at least one man down if not two. When the nurse came I turned on the charm and perhaps a bit of the guilt, she tried to tell us that only two people could come back (only two chairs) I assured her that one of them could stand and that we would be having a very important conversation about transplant, could she please let us all come back (eyelashes, eyelashes, puppy face). Thankfully she did not seem to be too bothered by this request and was mostly worried about one of my sisters not having a chair. No worries, there was a very low, chair height counter in the room, Aimee would just sit there. Easy peasy. 

Sat there in the room, the three of them lined against the wall, our questions planned, (they really boiled down to, “what’s your whole deal?”) we waited. My mom, obviously nervous but keeping it together, had been in so many rooms like this one with me over the last 40 years all leading to this one. I wouldn’t dare think I could possibly know what she was thinking. She keeps the memories that I can’t reach, the ones I was too small to remember, she is my living diary of all that has happened, and has always been told what may come, that this day may come. I know that it was a bit overwhelming for her, for us all, and that is why I was glad we were all there. My sword and shield sat beside her. Rachel, my sword, ever ready to fight for me, through red tape, against bad plans, for more data and facts, her only intention – keep me safe. I give her a hard time sometimes about her questions and her protectiveness but I wouldn’t be able to do what I do without her always ready to back me up. Aimee, my shield, prepared to take over the listening duties and allow me a moment to compose myself if needed, ready to provide a reprieve from any tension. She finds ways to make sure if I need a moment, I get one, she is the one who always reminds me that this is my show, and we do what I say, even the doctors. We make a good team, the three of us. 

My appointment went well, we all really liked my doctor. I really liked my doctor which is important when you are talking about the person that you are trusting your actual life to. He was kind and talked us through each step of what comes next. He answered questions and spent nearly a full hour with us. He laughed with us, and he was real with us. This isn’t an easy place to be in and it comes down to this – what happens next, and when it happens, is largely up to me. We are going to try a few things to get me feeling better in the present, see if there is any way that what we are doing with a couple new meds makes me feel good enough to hold off on listing for a while longer.

He and my team are going to follow up with me constantly and keep a close watch on the progression of my heart failure. It will end up that I will be seeing someone on my team about every 1.5 months. And, if there comes a time that they see something that moves us along, that is what we will do. Also, and I feel just as if not more importantly, if I report to them that I simply do not feel well enough to keep trying new things, we stop, right then, and on my call and we take the next step. No one wants me to have nothing left to give when I am listed. In fact, he wants me to be in better shape than I am if at all possible, he wants me to be able to bounce back as quickly as I can and being in better shape is the way to do that. 

So, that is where I am at. My therapist asked me what would make me delay making the call, and what would cause me to make the call. It comes down to this. Currently, I have just enough in me to make it through an average day with no crazy variables, and nothing more. My quality of life isn’t super great. I miss the things I could do even a year ago. I couldn’t make it through a concert now if you paid me. If I can get to a point where I consistently feel 10-15% better than I do right now, I might be able to wait. If I can get back to even a few of the things I was able to do before, I might be able to wait, but if I stay the same or progress at all, it is time. It is time to get my life back. I am ready to be on the other side of this, I am ready to know what comes after this. What comes when I have a heart that can keep up with all I want to do in life? Whether that is in 3 months or in 3 years, I am optimistic and excited for what that future looks like.

Front of a card my sister Aimee sent me. Artist : Jennifer Durand

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