Only Monday

I woke up at 3:45 this morning and couldn’t go back to sleep. I haven’t been sleeping well the last few days. I also haven’t been feeling my best, it is almost like you don’t get this far in the heart transplant process because you are a healthy person with no reason to feel crummy. In addition to the crumminess I just have been kind of sad. In the period of two weeks, people I have known since they were kids passed away in one way or another from complications of their heart defect. That just never gets easier, especially when they are younger than me. The universe doesn’t do a whole lot of trade in fairness I have learned, but it doesn’t mean I don’t always hold out a little hope that one day that will change. 

So here it was almost 4am and I couldn’t go back to sleep. What is a girl to do besides grab her phone and lull herself back to sleep or at least sweet dissociation by the gentle glow of her smartphone and the promise of an infinite scroll? I round the usual bases, Instagram, and Facebook, and on my way to Tik Tok, I make the mistake of checking my email, it is hard for me to resist the siren song of the red circle indicating new messages. They have to be dealt with (see also; deleted) as soon as possible, the red circle is my mortal enemy and it must be vanquished. This dear reader was a mistake, for the email that awaited me at just after 4am was from my medication subscription service, and they were letting me know about the medications that would not be included in my next order without action. If I wasn’t awake before, I was now.

The first of the year is a real pain in the ass for the chronically ill, especially the chronically ill who take a large number of meds, and even more so if those meds are thousands of dollars without copay cards that have to be obtained, and resubmitted each year. I take 5 medications that cost over a thousand dollars without copay “coupons” that knock the price back to $10 which is great but the series of hoops to get these cards, and register them with the correct places is a pain in the butt. I have been dealing with prescription issues since December, and I would guess I will be until April. 

I immediately begin to dread the phone call I will have to make in the morning but I also know I will have to make it. I absolutely cannot go without my meds, not for one day, let alone a month. I calm myself down (I just get so tired of the hoops) turn on the sounds of gentle rain, and get another hour and a half of sleep before I have to really be awake. 

The moment I have a free second at work I take the chance to make a call to the pharmacy. I plead my case to the woman on the other end of the line. I have a very strict “be nice to the person who answers the phone it isn’t their fault everything is jacked up” policy. Her name was Nona and she was lovely. It took about 10 full minutes of checking this and that and we got things sorted (I think, I will check again in a week to be sure). She also let me know that my request to add the four medications that have been prescribed in the last year but are not in my pill packs could not be added. I would have to contact each provider and ask them to send in a new prescription. Again, it isn’t the person who answers fault. I thanked her and went back to class. 

Thankfully today we watched an episode of Cosmos in science and I had time to message four different doctor’s offices to make my requests. I even heard back from three! Not bad. All of this and it wasn’t even noon yet. 

While sending messages in MyChart I noticed that the appointments for my transplant evaluation were being put in. They were not kidding when they say it is three full days of appointments. It was at this point that I started to feel the anxiety building. Things have been getting real for a while now, but this made it even more so. I reached out to my family text and told them the kind of things I was worried about that they could help with, getting an Airbnb set up, making their travel plans, and generally anything that wasn’t actually doing the testing. They as always came through almost instantly. By the time my third viewing of the Cosmos episode was over I was feeling a bit better.  Thankfully I had a pretty full plate the next hour and was able to concentrate fully on the kids. 

I have to make a slight aside right here. My students have been so good about my absences and understanding my limitations. They are little rascals, don’t get me wrong, but they do have kind hearts. 

At the very end of class just as we had finished our work my phone started to ring. Normally when I have students I don’t answer but I saw that it was the Children’s Hospital in Omaha calling, I had a feeling they were trying to get something scheduled. I asked the kids to give me a moment and took the call. It was indeed a scheduler wanting to see if I could schedule my next heart cath…for tomorrow! Apparently, my team decided they wanted a heart cath before all of my other appointments and in order to give me my usual doctor the only day they could do it was tomorrow. That was not going to happen. I know the whole transplant process is hurry up and wait. I just didn’t know they would do all the hurry-up part while I did all the waiting. I asked for a different day with a different doctor and got it scheduled for two weeks from now. The stress level was hitting critical levels. It was time to call my mom. I sent my students to lunch and did just that, have I mentioned that all of this has happened and it was barely past noon? Mom talked me down and I was able to function the rest of the day without incident. 

It is now 7pm and I am exhausted. I have a feeling I will finish writing and posting this and be tucked away in bed before 9pm. This was just a Monday after a Friday when I was so tired I could not get out of my bed. Tomorrow is a Tuesday, and I will message my former doctors for records that my new doctors will need as I move forward, and maybe I’ll even get that dentist appointment scheduled too. Did you know you can’t get a heart if you have crappy teeth? Gotta get those pearly whites checked out. Thursday I get to go to the CPAP store because my old supplier couldn’t understand that I got a new machine and messed up my orders all the time. I did the right thing when I fired them but then I found out that in order to get my supplies from a new provider, I have to have an appointment to be taught to use a device I have been using for five years. It isn’t the person who answered the phone’s fault. The red tape is everywhere, and it makes me tired. I am very tired and it is only Monday.

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