
Featured.jpgMy name is Monica, you can call me Mo. I tend to see the world a little differently than most, it’s hard to say if that is for the better or for the worse but I do. Maybe it’s growing up with a congenital heart defect and being very aware of my own mortality. Maybe it’s because I have OCD, a condition which finds me often in thought loops that repeat over and over until I feel like I have looked at something from all sides, a condition that shapes more of my life than I care to admit. Maybe it is because I want more than anything to be an optimist when pessimism seems to be my factory default setting. It’s hard to say where my point of view comes from, but it is mine and from the feed back I get day to day it is decidedly different than most peoples. I’ll let you decide if that is good or bad.

My interests in no particular order are; music, theater, books, photography, art, the internet, summer camp and my cat. I’m also a pretty fun aunt, so that is something.

I welcome feed back and conversation here, you should know that I am dyslexic and as such I am terrible at spelling and not so great with punctuation but I try, how about we stick to other types of feed back unless it’s like REALLY bad.

I encourage kindness here. If you can’t be kind you can’t stay. We don’t have to agree you and I, but I ask that you are kind to both myself and anyone else who might comment here. We are all just humans after all.


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